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Category: Cataracts

How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery

The most common cause of cataracts is the normal aging process. As we grow older, the lens of the eye tends to gradually lose its clarity and become cloudy. The …

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31 Answers to Your Cataract Surgery Questions

Cataract surgery is a popular treatment for cataracts, a condition that clouds the eye’s lens. Early signs of cataracts include cloudy vision, difficulty seeing at night, light sensitivity, and seeing …

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Cataract Surgery Recovery

If you need cataract surgery to correct a cloudy lens, you’re not alone. Research shows that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness, and cataract surgery is one of the …

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Early Signs of Cataracts to Look For

Cataracts are the leading cause of vision impairment, especially in seniors. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, cataracts affect approximately 25 million Americans age 40 and older. And by …

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How Much Does Cataract Surgery Cost?

Losing your vision can be scary, and a cataract diagnosis can be even scarier. Cataracts happen when the lens in your eye becomes cloudy. Your lens focuses the light that …

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